Beginners Guide to Upland - What the other guides don't tell you...


Getting Started

This guides assumes that you've already been introduced to Upland, and understand generally what it is.  For those of you still a little unsure, in a sentence - Upland is a metaverse powered by a blockchain that allows you to own digital assets secured by the blockchain.

For more, check here:

There's plenty written by the folks at Upland about what the game is and why you should be a part of its metaverse.  This guide is about you getting started, so lets get started!

Your Focus

Upland is still in Beta, and has A LOT of forthcoming features.  For now, the focus is on obtaining properties and the in game currency UPX (pronounced U-PIX).  Everything in this first post is related to those singular goals - get property, earn UPX.  This is your mantra.

Before You Sign Up

Before you sign up to play, you should make a decision... are you going to pay to play?  Your beginning strategy will be based on this decision.  

You should know that when you start Upland, you start as a visitor.  Visitors get a small amount of UPX to start - 3,000.  If you follow an advertisers link, there can be a bonus of another 3,000 UPX.  As a visitor, your abilities are somewhat limited.  You cannot sell any of your properties in the secondary market until you become an Uplander - which requires a net worth (value of properties + UPX) of over 10,000.  Earning the 4,000 UPX to become an Uplander can be a grind - but it can be done! 

Almost any purchase of UPX will put you over the 10k limit.  1,000 UPX is equal to approximately $1.00.

I've separated the two strategies into their own posts:

Not Spending A Dime In Upland

Upland Bawler - Purchasing UPX


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