Beginners Guide - Not Spending a Dime In Upland


Not Spending A Dime!

If you've decided to make your way in the Upland World without spending any real world money (fiat in crypto terminology), here's your strategy:

First, do some research!  The game will place you near some property(ies) labeled FSA and encourage you to purchase.  FSA property is great and while your net worth is under 100k UPX, its how you're going to make money.  However, not all properties are equal.

How To Research

Go to, this is a third party website that uses the open nature of the block chain to provide information about properties available.  Get familiar with this site! 


Here's what you're looking for:  

On the left had side there is a submenu, go to Data Tools - Neighborhoods.  This is where you'll become acquainted with the neighborhoods in Upland.  You will want to do a generic search for each neighborhood in the city where you are located.  For example, in Brooklyn, the first neighborhood listed is 'Borough Park'.  It will tell you how many properties are unminted (unpurchased) for sale, locked (not yet released to be able to be minted) and total minted.  

You will also notice a floor price (lowest prices), median sales price, median sales per UP2 (an area/price ratio) and median markup.

Get an excel sheet ready and plug it all in - I know its a little bit of work, but its worth it.

Somethings to look for:  

Neighborhoods with low total number of properties 

Neighborhoods with higher floor prices

Neighborhoods with few properties available for sale

Neighborhoods with collections

You'll be able to refer back to the spreadsheet often in your first few weeks.  It may needs a little updating - but not much.  The data will give you some solid clues about neighborhoods.  Now its time to find your first property.

If you go back to the home screen and and select BIG Data - Search for specific properties in all of Upland.  Select your city, and choose a neighborhood you're interested in.  In the 'Property Status' option, select 'Unlocked'.  This will show you the unlocked (available to purchase) properties in that neighborhood.  You may want to check back frequently, as some FSA's get minted by visitors who never log back into Upland and they convert back and are able to be minted again.

You will need to travel to within the proximity of the property you wish to purchase.  See here for how to travel.  Tap on the FSA property you want to purchase, and select Buy.  Congratulations! You are the owner of a property in Upland!

I have my property/properties, now what?

Now what?? Now your goal is to get Uplander Status, which just means pushing your net worth to over 10,000 UPX.  This is HUGE, as when you are an Uplander, you can sell the properties you purchased as FSA properties on the secondary market for a huge margin.

If you still do not want to put any 'real' money into the game, you've got to grind your net worth up.  This can by done 3 ways:

Give Aways - the Upland Community is full of entrepreneurs; some will do drawings for properties, some will do them for subscribing to their youtube channel (see Upland Shorts on YouTube:

Treasure Hunts - You have to be careful with these, its easy to go backwards... I'll cover these in a separate post, but do your homework before trying!

Visits - This is where the community comes in to give a hand.  There is a very active discord server: Take a peak around, see how others post their visit requests... if you do likewise, you'll find that the community will help you out.  Many will visit your property multiple times just to help get you the extra UPX you need.

Get yourself into Uplander Status, and the game changes! Read the Upland Bawler post to figure out what to do with your newfound status!


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